Saturday, October 10, 2009

October Freeze

Really crisp out this morning. I hate that winter is coming, but fall can be an amazing season. I sat out on my deck this morning wishing I could catch the sights and sounds in a time capsule. We live in a year round cottage on a tiny lake. This morning the fog over the lake was so thick I couldn't see the blazing maples on the other side, but the fog stopped abruptly ten yards from shore and the canopy above me was neon bright orange and yellow, with a cornflower blue sky peeking through. Suspended in the grayness that was sky and lake was a bright white circle, looking more like a full moon than the sun that was promising to overtake the day. I could hear loud drips of frost falling through the trees, and then the call of loons saying goodbye to their night. Geese called as they flew south, knowing more about the coming season than we ever can. I could hardly bring myself to leave the deck and come back inside to reality. Hello, autumn! Stay around for a bit.

The night freezes made me glad I got my salvageable plants inside. When the threat of frost comes I can't yet say goodbye to my still lovely flowers. Because of bunnies, chipmunks and deer, I mostly confine my gardening to containers, so this time of year I bring some in and continue to enjoy them. Over the years I have found that some I can enjoy all year. I have fuchsia and begonias in hanging planters that are at least three years old. I just keep them on an unused counter and water them through the winter. If they look sad I cut them back, sometimes way back. Beginning in March I feed them a bit and make sure they get outside for the day when weather allows. Then they go out for the summer, big, healthy and beautiful. They are impressive and I have saved a lot by not buying new plants each season. I got an unusual geranium for Mother's Day that I will try to save this year, too. I also have a poinsettia that summers outside. I will cut that down soon and put it in a cool dark room until November. It will be lovely by Christmas and gets bigger every year. It makes me happy to see these plants survive year to year rather than joining the compost heap.


  1. Your description is beautiful. I love this time of year. Thanks for becoming a follower! I've joined you now, too!

  2. I'm a follower too.. and it's just down right cold.

  3. What a beautiful word picture. Thank you for sharing your scene!

  4. Great post! I love my plants too. I worry about them constantly!
