Friday, October 9, 2009

Yes I Did

Time for Yes I did Friday with all my revelations from the week - things I did this week that I might not otherwise tell anyone about!

Yes I did get just a bit misty when my husband said at dinner "I was just thinking this afternoon that everytime you cook for me, it's like you are giving me a gift." He's not usually that gooey.

Yes I did make banana bread and cookies for him that night. And Yes I did eat way too many of his cookies.

Yes I did set up a twitter account to try to help our dying business, then spend a whole day trying to fix a problem with it before I read on OHiH that Twitter was down. No I will not tweet everytime I put cilantro in my avocado dip.

Yes I did take an entire day off from working to hang out with my best friend, and yes I did regret it (almost) when I had to choose between catching up on work and catching up on OHiH. Work lost.

Somehow I got in an argument with my son about Jon and Kate. Even though I really don't care. But did I act like I did? Oh, yeah.

I went an entire week without cleaning anything other than the bare minimum in the kitchen. And it shows.

Yes I did read an entire very short novel in just one evening just because it was set in the small town I grew up in.

I got a facebook invite from someone I did not know. Who would accept that? Yes, I did. And it ended up being an old friend from high school.

Got a call from my daughter's security company to see if her husband was allowed to be in the house because they received a tamper code and only Mr. G was there and he did not have the security code??? Yes, I called the house to check it out. It's all good. Just male genetic forgetfulness.

Yes I did spend way too much time reading blogs this week.


  1. "No I will not tweet everytime I put cilantro in my avocado dip".

    Awww... come on! Inquiring minds wanta know!!

    Loved your list!

  2. Awwww, sweet husband. I would have baked for him too.

    I'm impressed you manage to work, maintain a social life and keep up with OHIH. I just have kids, and can't do it! You must be super woman!

  3. The social life isn't much! And the work is right here on my lap top whenever I want to do it. No Superwoman here! The hard part was SAHM 30 years ago.

  4. Such a sweet husband! If my ex had said things like that I would have been misty-eyed too! And... he probably wouldn't be my ex lol. Great list and thanks so much for participating!

  5. Very cute list! I love that work lost out to OHIH...that was honesty at it's best, ha!
